Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nuclear Reactors

Uranium is the main element used in nuclear reactors and certain types of nuclear bombs. The specific isotope used for reactors and bombs is uranium-235. When a neutron strikes uranium-235 it is first absorbed making uranium-236, and then it becomes unstable causing the atom to fission. The fissioning of uranium-236 can create many new products such as: 235U + 1 neutron ---> 2 neutrons + 92Kr+ 142Ba +Energy 235U + 1 neutron ---> 2 neutrons + 92Sr + 142Xe +Energy In both of these reactions the neutron splits the atom and when the atom splits another neutron is released. This is how a chain reaction may occur, because if there was more uranium-235 present those two neutrons could cause two more atoms to split. Each of those two atoms will release an additional neutron, resulting in a total of four neutrons. These four neutrons would strike more uranium-235 atoms releasing even more neutrons which causes a chain reaction to continue until all uranium-235 is gone.

1 comment:

kayla said...

carly your project is awesome!!!...it intimidates me...